
There are 24 hours in one day. I need like 40 right now. Maybe 50. I have realized the important things in life get the attention or tackled first and other things get put on the backburner. But what do I do when the backburner is full and overflowing? I have even cut my hours at work to 7 hours a day instead of 8 and am somehow not seeing where that extra hour is. Am I missing a piece to the puzzle or do I seriously not get it..? This weekend is the first weekend in April that I don't have to work or travel. I am REALLY hoping the sun will shine because I always get more done with a burst of sunlight! I am skipping out on a shopping trip to get caught up and "clear the stovetop". I need every minute I can get! If anyone has any suggestions for me or a routine they use.....please comment. :)

Man Down..

So this past week has been an eventful say the least. Last weekend I covered for a coworker that needed the weekend off. I worked midnights on Saturday and Sunday. So when I started off this week it was not a normal routine week. Friday arrives and I get a call at work that Ross is leaving convenient care.....First thought "Oh no, is everything okay". Guess he decided to leap off the back step at my moms and down he went. Looks nasty huh?! Second thought "I work this weekend"..... "Should he be hobbling around the house carrying a baby" We have made it though. Cayne and Ross are napping right now while Im blogging and actually of all people that should be napping right now - I'm not. Okay back to stamping, addressing, and licking evelopes since I veered off coarse to blog......check your mail this week sometime. : )

My life just got easier...

Since Ross and I bought our house 7 years ago, we have been updating or making changes from day 1. I could create a list - a very long list - of the work that has been accomplished since we've lived here. Last summer we decided on modernizing the kitchen. I was hoping it would be done before Cayne arrived, but we had to wait our turn and last week was our lucky week. We extended the counter, new sink, and added a dishwasher. That's right! I now have a dishwasher. Many hours have been spent in front of the sink washing dishes....when the sink wasn't even big enough to hold half of what was dirtied. Adding bottles did not help at all. I never had a dishwasher growing up so I had no idea what I was missing. Let me tell you.....about a quarter of a day probably! The extension of the counter didn't seem like it would be much but it has made a huge difference too and looks really nice. I will get pictures of the kitchen on here soon. Besides creating dirty dishes from dinners or baking, I add many to the pile from making Cayne's baby food. See how adding a dishwasher is fantastic! For those of you that didn't know...this is the next thing I have added to my "want to stay at home mom" tasks, only I'm a working mom. So if anyone wants to pass on tips and tricks about a dishwasher, I can pass on pureeing 101. : ) Right now I have sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, and 3 different kinds of squash. The array of colors is pretty, don't you think?!


I read blogs everyday! I won't lie to you...I am addicted to some. I guess its my soap opera's or Oprah or Ellen. Some make me laugh, some give me ideas, some keep me in touch with the world and people in it, and some make me cry. As I click on them - I am hoping hoping hoping there are new posts with little disappointments if not. A handful of blogger's probably don't even know I read theirs. So as I'm reading blogs, the blog I created just sits. Covered in dust and neglected. Shame on me! Each week might not have the glamorous "Inside Edition" story but I'll try to post something. And since its been awhile, I have to relearn what does what on here. Can we say Blogging for Dummies, please. Cheer's to beginning round two.