Pink Tile

All I can say is....

nail polish meet tile.....tile meet nail polish....

What a great aroma it gives, NOT! Next time I'll make sure Cayne grabs a non-breakable off the counter..... : )

I spy something green....

Our first tomato of the season! I hope there's many more to follow.

Our zucchini has flowered...

The green beans have flowerd too..

I didn't take a picture of our peppers because they are a little on the slim side, but were hoping they "fluff" up once the heat is here to stay.

Dipaers on the line....or something else

I started my usual Saturday morning laundry. In the summer, I use the clothesline more than the dryer. I washed a load of diapers and then hung them outside to dry. ( I couldn't resist a picture because I thought they looked so cute out there) This was the first one I took....

Then I took a second picture getting the backside of the diapers.

We'll keep it anonymous....but I was out and about and set my camera down. Someone turned it on and started looking through pictures to figure out whose camera it was. They came across this picture since it was the last one I took.....

They took a quick glance and thought I had maxi-pads out on the line. LOL. I may be frugal but not that frugal...thats just gross! LOL.

I had to share the story though.....