2 rules of the road...

Everyone learns the rules of the road, maybe you forget some a time or two but the common sense ones should never ever leave your head. I drive quite a bit and encounter these more than I should.....come on people.
Rule #1 – If your going to pull out in front of someone, don’t cruise down the road at 20 mph causing us to slam on our brakes. (We technically were on the road before you….) Make an attempt to accelerate to the speed you think we are driving down the road.
Rule #2 – The left lane is the passing lane. Drive faster than the person to the right of you. If your taking a Sunday drive stay in the right one. Your only causing traffic to bottleneck. Uggh!


Okay if you know me, you know I love to find good deals. I have to share with you this deal I got awhile back. Call me old - whatever - I love coupons but I have one better. I was shopping around for an item and trying to find out which store was selling it at the lowest price. (But that I didn't have to go out of my way for and use gas to get it) I priced it at Rural King, WalMart and Big R. I drive by those stores daily. Big R was the most expensive. Rural King was the second runner up with a sale price. Wal-Mart was the cheapest but only sold it online and then I would have had to pay shipping or wait like 2 weeks for site to store. A lot of stores are price-matching now because they want the business soooo I took Wal-Marts deal....printed the item with price and bought it at the most expensive place. I felt like I won big just knowing that someone else might have paid full price 190.00 and I took maybe 10 minutes and saved 51.00 and only paid 139.00. WooooHoooo!

The groove...

We are back in the groove of our routine and I'm happy to say it feels good too. Everyone's healthy, full of smiles and laughing..... Louie on the other hand, is a bit sad since his friends are gone. We have gotten the "I'm bored" puppy eyes a few times now. Poor guy.

Here is a picture of Cayne that I took at the beginning of June. Is she looking more like Ross or like me? A shout out to Auntie S for the dress and Oma for the bow. (oh ya, I need to upload a picture of her bows....)


Im behind again on my blog. I will try to get a least 2 postings in this week.

First and Foremost, the Robison family is doing much better, well majority. The friday before last I noticed some green gunk coming from one of Cayne's eye. Thinking it could be pink eye, I used some over the counter homeopathic pink eye drops. No luck. I had to work that Saturday and Sunday so Ross was home with her. Saturday he cleaned up her eyes. Sunday followed with sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. Thinking this would be a 2 day bug, Ross stayed home with her on monday and I stayed home with her on tuesday. She was a zombie. She looked awful. She couldnt breath, couldnt sleep and didnt want to eat. I called and her pediatrician was on vacation (her secondary pediatrician was booked) so tuesday night she saw a doctor she's never seen before. Cayne was put on eye drops for pink eye and benadryl to dry her up, saying it was a cold "viral mess". I stayed home with her on Wednesday. Her eyes were still matted shut with gunk, nothing was getting better. Ross stayed home with her on Thursday and got us an appoitment with her secondary pediatrician that afternoon. Thank goodness! One look and said "wow, thers a lot going on" took her off the eye drops because she doesn't have pink eye. She's is now on antibiotics for an ear infection, she has a cold that will run its coarse, she was put on a steroid cream for eczema, and to still use the benadryl for now, for possible allergies.

Its Sunday night and all is well again. We have Cayne back. She is feeling better and happy again. She's sleeping in her bed again and not in the swing, therefore mom and dad are sleeping in their bed again and not on the couch with one eye and ear open. Its been a long week and now Ross has been infected...he's got crap in his chest. : (

In the mix of all this, we are dogsitting for some friends. Louie has had the time of his life since wednesday and will until this thursday. Never a dull moment in this house. What a bunch of cuties though.