Salsa...BLT's....Poppers...Bread....Baby Food

The 2011 garden has been planted. YAY!! Ross and I went shopping and picked out the plants last weekend. 12 pepper, 2 zucchini, 1 eggplant, 2 cherry tomato, 4 tomato, green beans, and onions. Full garden...we are out of space. Next year we will extend to have a bigger bed. We didn't get to plant everything we wanted. But this summer and fall we are in for some good food!

WalMart and the system....

I guess this is going to be my way of venting a little......

Ross or I hadn't been to Walmart in many many weeks. So we get to WalMart and instead of leaving Cayne in her carseat, we put her in the stroller that way we could have the full use of the space in the cart. Good thing because the cart was FULL. We get out the debit card to pay and was shocked. It was over 200.00. We have never spent that much at Walmart! (that was with coupons) We filled the back of my Envoy and as we were getting ready to shut the door, I turn and see Cayne still sitting in the stroller. We load Cayne into her carseat and realize we have no room for the stroller because we loaded the groceries first.... oooops! hahaha Im just wondering if this has happened to someone else too....

That night Ross and I were talking about how much we spent and how easy it was to do actually. Then he proceeds to tell me about someone getting approved for WIC and all the groceries they get and don't have to pay for. I immediately thought about my WalMart trip when I just spent 200.00. I was pissed. He asked why? My response was...the system is screwed up! The family had planned this pregnancy. She qualified and was approved by providing her income only. Although the total household makes more than some of us probably. So we are working to pay for others to get free groceries and they can afford to pay for them just like the rest of us. Ross started to agree with me. This got me thinking and the next day I talked to someone I know that could probably use WIC and be legit. Single lady, fostering a child.....Did you know that when you foster a child, "the system" helps you, but the minute you adopt or take guardianship, they drop you. Even though your income doesn't change. Isn't that what its suppose to be based on anyway? The system is soooo screwed up! So there's people out there that don't need free groceries but get them and some people that don't get them and need them! The end......since I could probably go on forever.

Banana Pudding

My sister shared this recipe with me and I wanted to share it with you. Its Paula Deen's - Not your mamas banana pudding. I made it last week but added some vanilla to it. It is sooooo yummy! I love baking and cooking in the kitchen (one thing I get from my mom) Enjoy!

1- 8oz cream cheese (softened)
1- can sweetened condensed milk
6-8 bananas sliced
1- container of cool whip
1 tsp vanilla
2 packages of pepperridge farms chessmen cookies
1- box of instant vanilla pudding mix
2 cups milk

Line the bottom of a 13x9x2 with one bag of cookies and layer the bananas on top.

In first bowl, with an electric mixer, combine the milk and pudding. In another bowl, combine the cream cheese and condensed milk until smooth. Add in the pudding mixture to the second bowl. Add in the vanilla. Then finally add in the cool whip. Pour over the cookies and bananas. Cover with remaining cookies and refridgerate for a couple hours.

One of my fav's

Wow. I'm behind again. Actually I have had many things I could have blogged about but I just didn't have the time to sit down at the computer for more than 2 minutes. I will be quick and just post one of my favorite pictures.....what a cutie! ......okay so I added 2.....

I think she was trying to pose for this one or something....such a funny face.....