Garden of the Gods

One tourist attraction in Colorado is Garden of the Gods. We could see some of it looking out my sisters windows. Hope you enjoy some of the pictures I took while I was out there. : ) ) Did I mention it was 45 degress out there when it was below zero here........crazy.

Slow Down....

We are already halfway through Jan 2010. Mom always said the older you get the faster time goes - she was right. Slow down!
I'm making my New Years resolution to blog. So we shall begin......I spent New Years out in Colorado. BEAUTIFUL!!! While my sister was driving me up to Denver for my travel back, I let my neice take charge of my camera and snap all the pictures she wanted. Guessing around 50 shots of the back of a car seat or her legs got deleted on my way home. But she did managed to capture a good one. I remember her saying "Mom, I need to take a picture of the sun. Where did it go?" (Steph thought it was behind a cloud) Then all the sudden she said "There it is!" Click!